We ask that you contact us by phone or email at least 48 hours prior to your appointment in order to cancel or reschedule your appointment.

In order to maintain the health and safety of all patients in our practice, please contact our office prior to bringing service animals into the clinic.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some common questions we receive about our services.

What is a comprehensive eye examination?

A comprehensive eye examination evaluates your eyes from the front to the retina and looks at how your visual system is performing. This exam type looks for common eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy, along with overall eye health and visual acuity.

With a complete eye examination, your optometrist will assess:

  • Presence of refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, or presbyopia (age-related farsightedness)
  • How an individual eye performs with the other closed
  • Depth perception
  • The health of the optic nerve, retina, and blood vessels via pupil dilation. This also can uncover any eye conditions.
  • Pressure in your eyes via glaucoma tests
  • Eye movements via ocular motility test. This ensures your extraocular muscles are in normal conditions and there aren’t any uncontrolled eye movements.
  • The cornea’s curvature via keratometry or topography tests.
  • Visual acuity
  • Binocular vision problems

Comprehensive eye exams help detect over 200 general health and chronic health conditions, including hypertension & diabetes.

How much time will you need for an eye examination?

An eye examination takes between 30 minutes to an hour. The duration of your examination depends on your symptoms, the tests conducted, your vision history, and any prevalent medical conditions. A routine eye checkup can sometimes be as quick as 15 minutes, while comprehensive checks can take over an hour. The appointment covers assessing the visual acuity, updating prescriptions, suggesting contacts or glasses, and looking for any underlying chronic health conditions.

How can I get contacts if I have never worn them before?

When you visit our office and complete the comprehensive eye examination, you will be given the option to try contact lenses. Our highly trained staff will give you contact lens samples and training techniques to properly manage your contact lenses on a daily basis. The cost of the examination varies and depends on the complexity of your refractive error.

Can I wear contacts if I have had damage to my eyes or laser surgery?

Yes! Our eye care professionals are well-trained in managing all types of eyewear needs to include specialty contact lens fits.

What is dilation and will I need to have it done at my comprehensive eye examination?

Dilation is the process of using special eye drops to enlarge the pupil for a more thorough look at the structural health of the eye. The process takes about 15 minutes and will cause light sensitivity and near-vision blur. You can drive after dilation, but if you are sensitive to lights you can have retinal imaging done instead. This process allows for better views of the retina and posterior parts of the eye and has no side effects. Fees may apply for the fundus imaging and is highly recommended by our providers.

Is your practice certified to treat and manage myopia?

Our providers have been certified to treat and manage myopia in three different and most common techniques. Myopia has now been classified as a disease and can result in permanent vision loss or damage to the retina if left untreated.

What is Neurolens?

Neurolens is a new technology used to treat migraines without the need for medication in certain patients. This device utilizes specialty lenses to relax nerves in the brain which can induce, prolong, or intensify migraines. Testing with this device is free and a part of the comprehensive eye examination at our office.