We ask that you contact us by phone or email at least 48 hours prior to your appointment in order to cancel or reschedule your appointment.

In order to maintain the health and safety of all patients in our practice, please contact our office prior to bringing service animals into the clinic.

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The Optical Store

The South Eastern Eye Center, Your Neighborhood Eyecare Center, offers a great frame selection and has full-service capabilities.

If you are in need of etched writing on your frames, low-cost prices, but great quality, our optical store is your best bet! New frames have been added with updated lab centers!

We are an authorized seller of Prescription and Non-prescription Costa Sunglasses and offer a great selection of sturdy, lightweight frames for kids and adults.

Each month we will feature a frame called the “Optical Game Changer” and this month we are showcasing our Kazoku frames!

Kazoku frames are made in Japan with style, grace, and a trendy but classic flare! If you see a frame online at https://www.kazokulunettes.com/ and want to purchase it, give us a call at 912-653-3937 ext 105 for more information. (If you follow us on Instagram @southeasterneye you get special pricing as we are an authorized dealer)

Here is our “Game Changer” of the month!

The Kazoku Valiant frame has 18K Gold etching and is a sleek, classic but trendy look. Don’t let the large design fool you! This frame fits perfectly on your face, and it is lightweight. It is truly a “Game Changer” for the right person looking for a trendy spin on this classic black style.

Stop by and check this frame out in person!!!
